Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica

Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica

Pityriasis lichenoides chronica (PLC) is a self-limited rare inflammatory skin condition that presents with multiple scaly, erythematous to brown papules on the trunk and extremities.

The condition primarily affects young adults and children and lasts anywhere from months to years and can relapse and remit. The lesions occurringfrom PLC can either present as hypopigmented (dominant) or hyperpigmented macules or patches. Both presentations are benign, non-scarring and primarily asymptomatic.

Common treatment plans include a ‘watch and wait’ approach; oral medications in the form of antihistamines, antibiotics, and/or methotrexate, and phototherapy.

The precise cause of PLC is unknown.

Active inflammation
Dark skin
Scaly, light brown to dark brown papules
Light skin
Scaly, erythematous to brown papules
Disease progression
Scabbing of the lesion
Late stage
Hyper- or hypopigmentation of the macules or patches.
Lighten and disappear after 2-3 months
Small papulesprimarily onextremities and trunk
Darker Skin
Lighter Skin

Clinical Images
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica - 16961
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica - 17098
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica - 144692
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica - 771228
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica - 1241479
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica - 1689600
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica - 1689672
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica - 4165020
Pityriasis lichenoides chronica - 4215872

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